- Children's Ministry Day: It's almost here! Get excited for a fun day of serving in our community. On Saturday April 2, registration will be between 12:45 and 1, and pick up time will be about 3:30. The groups and their projects include:
- Kindergarten and 1st grade: crafts for nursing home
- 2nd and 3rd grade: cookies for fire department
- 4th grade: blankets for Courage House
- 5th and 6th grade: yard work and can foods scavenger hunt
We are so excited and can't wait to see you all on Saturday! :)
- Welcome AUDREY!: We have a new children's intern folks. Please be sure to give a warm welcome to Audrey Melson when you see her. She currently works with our Cubbies in AWANA, and she also volunteers with OBU's Campus Ministries' Big Sister and Backyard Bible Club programs. She has recently been bringing her "Little sis'" to Sunday School on Sunday mornings. We're excited for her to be involved.
- CHILDREN'S MINISTRY DAY: Saturday, April 2... 12-3pm (tentatively) Kids will be placed into groups with their peers from across Arkadelphia churches. They will be ministering to the elderly who live on their own, and those in nursing facilities. They will also be collecting items for the Lighthouse Ministry. E-mail Amy to sign up your kids!
- EASTER EGG-STRAVAGANZA: Saturday, April 23rd, 10am-12pm. Bring a friend. Watch a dramatization of Christ's journey to the cross in our parent-presented Cross Walk. (And parents... sign-up to help with the presentation!)
- CHILDREN'S CAMP: It's not too late for you kids to sign-up. For those currently in grades 3rd - 5th. Cost is $70 for church members, and $99 for others. For more info, click HERE.
- M&M Nite is in full swing with a new missions program: MissionPossible Kids!!! This will be for grades K - 5. All Pre-K (3-5) will be together for Music and will have some opportunities to help the Big Kids with their missions!